Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thank you!

What an awesome time of year. Reflecting back on what the year has brought and what I am thankful for is a way of keeping my batteries fully charged and moving forward. Of course, this year we had Coral arrive into our life. Being thankful is an understatement. Watching her grow and discover is such an amazing experience and I feel incredibly fortunate and thankful to have her in my life. The other person who continues to amaze is my wife, Rondelle. She is...well...awesome! Enough said.

This time of year also allows me to reflect back on the accomplishments of my patients which has been a phenomenal year to say the least. We have those running their first marathons. Amateurs signing professional contracts. A high school runner achieving one of his life long dreams of being a state champion. Other high school runners setting PRs and reaching new heights. A Master racer winning a series title who came in seeking care only to go faster on the bike by removing the nerve interference impeding his peak performance. Patients leaving their medications behind. Many who were simply not able to do the sports they love and are back up to speed and thriving and setting PRs. Many changing their eating habits and lifestyle to be more congruent with what the human DNA requires to perform at its peak. Finally, those who discovered the amazing benefits of chiropractic for the first time and share the story with others. Truly a great year. So this thank you goes out to all my patients who continually show why I do what I do and allow me to be a part of your success. You are truly inspiring. 

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